The definition of civilization requires
a study of different social science such as
history, geography and so
on; The existence of any kind of civilization is related to
geographical situation.
Geography comprises any aspects such as
vegetation, climate, animal species or
others. Throughout
history, humans chose their own way of live by the effects of
geographical conditions;
they planted things according to the climate or the quality of
land or they chose their
shelters, for example, eskimos live in igloss due to geographical
conditions. These type of
conditions have an effect even on people’s appearence such as
African’s, who have hard
and dark skin compared to the ones living in North countries.
According to historians, there could
never have been an Egyptian society if the
ancient Egyptians had
settled around the Nil, which created very important geographical
advantages... Apart from
these, some adverse geographical conditions led people to have
migrations to other
places, thus communicating with strangers. Humans achieved great
things in order to struggle
against the harsh difficult geographical conditions such as
irrigation canals. It can
be said that the more man forced himself through the difficulties,
the better the
civilization got.
Throughout the world, every land piece
of civilizations has its own features; for
example, growing rice in
the Far East is demanding or cotton in the South East of Turkey
is the same. In this
hardship of the conditions, humans can be dominiant in the end or
vice versa; as a results,
they have to set up their traditions, life
style or even beliefs
according to natural
As there are borders between countries,
there are zones among cultures even if they
share the same called
land; in Europe for example, there are different cultures just as in
Americas, there are.
Although there are cultural zones, there is a constant flow of culture
among each other, which
can be called cultural imports; many technological advances,
though they originated in
a country, are used worldwide now.
In fact, cultural import has existed
throughout history but due to few opportunities in
technology such as the
way of transport or communication, the pace was very slow in the
past. Today, however,
this inter-communication occurs so fast that a new released film
can be watched throughout
the world at the same time, but a cultural ‘pollution’ can be
observed across the world
as well.
The American anthropologist Margaret
Mead observed a society on Pasific Island in
the Periods both before
and after the war and realized the same society had totally
changed or even
transformed into a new one, which is the results of having a contact with
the outside world.
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